The first and only major victory against the superior Minbari ships happened when Lt. The EAS Prometheus opened fire at the Minbari ships and so a 3-year war began in which many of these ships have been destroyed. Several Hyperion Cruiser were part of the fleet that made the 1st contact with the Minbari. Most Hyperion Cruiser have been refitted with new weapon and defense systems several times during the long time of service. Production began back in 2237 but even now many Hyperion Cruiser are in active service but their role is now to protect the bigger Omega Destroyer rather than being the main attack force. The Hyperion Cruiser also carries Starfuries on board, and it is the smallest Earth Alliance ship than can open their own jump-point. This makes these ships only suitable for shorter missions, while the crews on the much larger Omega Destroyers with rotating sections can stay out for longer patrols.

Unlike the newer Omega Destroyers these cruisers have no rotating section which requires that the crew has to be trained to work in nearly zero gravity. The Hyperion Cruiser was the mainstay of the Earth Force before the Earth-Minbari-War.